zondag 22 maart 2009

Reflection on a reflection

This week, is the last week of the third period. And thus also almost the end of this third period's ICA. This week we do have a assignment to write about in our blogs, unlike before. To finish this period with a proper ending.

(And here is where the title makes sense) I'll reflect on others blogs, in other words I will reflect on their reflection. Yes I know, reflection comes back too many times.
It's kind of hard to compare each others life to each other because everyone is living different and experiencing different events and you can't really compare that. But I can compare the Berlin trip, because everyone experienced almost the same events. The only difference is their perception. Perception is a term from psychology and it's quite interesting to observe(in my opinion). Perception is the process of attaining awareness or understanding of sensory information. In other words although two people receive the same information and impressions, they still both have a different view about that certain topic. So that's why it's interesting to compare the other students different perceptions about the Berlin trip.

The funny thing is that most students experienced the trip to Berlin almost the same. For example Danielhttp://quiksilva8.blogspot.com/, Ronjahttp://ronja-roversdochter.blogspot.com/ and Heavenlyhttp://459041myblog.blogspot.com/ experienced most of the events in the same way. They all liked the Fat Bike tour, and they all thought that the tour guide in Sachsenhausen wasn't really good. There are only differences in their stories when they're giving examples of events that happened. Which is interesting, because their stories are all highlighting different parts of the trip to Berlin. It's especially funny to see how they qualify for certain stereotypes, Daniel like a real guy saw nice cars in Berlin so he mentioned the cars he saw. While Ronja in the mean time was occupied with the sudden money with drawal for the Berlin trip, which made it quite hard to shop. These little details in stories give more information about the writers personal characteristics. In my own report about Berlin I gave a lot of attention to the Buddy Bears of Berlin, so when you read it you could adjust your mental picture about me. Most readers are doing this things unconsciously.

Well I hope that this story made some sense to my readers, and that I made you a little bit curious about psychology. This will be my last blog this third period, because the exams are starting next week and the period is almost over! Thank you everyone for reading my blog, although it didn't made sense often, you're my favourite readers!

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