zondag 15 maart 2009

pleased to meet you

Finally, I can't avoid the greatest fear of a writer anymore. A writers block. Altough I can't really call myself a writer, because it's not my profession, but still. Even famous writers can't escape them, for example JK Rowling had a writers block while she was writing The chamber of secrets. I was planning to surprise you guys with another mind dazzling blog, but I'm afraid that's not going to happen. I was checking out my old blogs and I realized that I never really told a lot about myself. So today will be a terrific opportunity to give everyone an update about my life, and to beat my writers block.

Well, where shall I start. My name is Anne,( hello everyone!) and I'm twenty years old. I'm Dutch although sometimes people ask me whether I'm maybe partly Greek or Indian. I always have to disappoint them by saying that I'm really Dutch. But it does amuses me when people are asking that question, because they always come up with a new country. My family is not really big, but I think that's an advantage. My ties with my family are better because it's so small. I sometimes hear stories about really big families, and they barely got the time to visit everyone. For them it's just not possible to visit every birthday, and to know every member of the family that well. That's why I'm glad that my family isn't that big.

I will give you some random facts about me, just for fun. Some of my favorite bands are Muse, Red Hot Chili Peppers, Foo Fighters, Kaiser Chiefs and of course Coldplay. My zodiac sign is a Scorpio and I was born in the year of the dragon, so watch out I'm dangerous! I read a lot of books, and I've also bought a lot of books, but now they won't fit fit in my book cupboard any more. Which is a shame.

Well to get back to business I thought it would be interesting to tell how my passion for traveling has grown over the years, but I can't really remember how it has happened. Since I was little I have been sailing during the holidays with my parents and my brothers. (btw my father has built our boat all by himself!) During the summer we went away for three weeks and we always went to the North of the Netherlands, to Friesland and the Waddeneilanden. We went from the mainland to island, from island to island and from island back to the mainland. So I guess I started traveling at a young age. By the way, if I ever have to promote a certain part of the Netherlands I will certainly promote the Waddeneilanden. These islands belong to my favorite parts of the Netherlands, they're really amazing. When I hear seagulls I immediately think about these islands and the sea.

And I proudly present: Our boat!

We also traveled through Sweden when my brothers got older and didn't want to stay in the Netherlands. With our tent and our car we've traveled up to midway Sweden. It got barely dark in the summer, which was really weird to experience. We would stay in a place for a few days and than we would move on. Sweden is also a really amazing country, and it's a shame that not so many people are visiting it. When I graduated from high school I traveled from Moscow to Beijing with the Transmongolian express together with my father, uncle and niece. I really enjoyed it. The different kinds of people, the different cultures etc. That journey was one of the main reasons why I started to focus more on traveling. My mother found the course Tourism & recreation management at the internet after I quite my first study of psychology. This course sounded perfect and up till now I'm still not disappointed.

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