maandag 23 februari 2009

A what?

Yes, well. Let me explain. Remember when I talked about a friend who went to South Africa? The girl who brought liqourice with her to poison the local people? When she got back to Holland she brought something back with her. Her Sock Monkey, Tommie! She got him from another volunteer in South Africa. After seeing him, and hearing the stories about Tommie I got totally infected by the Sock Monkey virus.

(For the uninformed persons reading this blog, Sock Monkeys are self made monkeys from socks) All Sock Monkeys are custom made. They receive a name from their new owner. The Names can vary from Tommie, Jimmy, Jackie, Donnatello, Sjonnie to Abu. It depends on their owner what kind of name their going to get. And also if it's a girl or a boy.

Tommie visiting Lissabon in Portugal.

As a group of friends most of us got infected by the Sock Monkey virus after seeing Tommie. We were all very enthusiastic. As a surprise she made for most of us a Sock Monkey as a birthday present. You're probably thinking right now what's so interesting about them? There are some unofficial rules. One of the rules is that you always have to bring him with you when you're on a holiday. So when a friend has finally returned from a holiday and you finally see the pictures, you can see the monkeys visiting places all over the world. It's a great way to see where everyone has been and what they did during their visit.

At the moment the monkeys have been in South Africa, Greece, Austria, France, Portugal and of course Holland!
During my TRM course my Sock Monkey will definitely get to see a lot more of the world during my TRM course at InHolland. And with the photo's I will try to keep every one updated about the journeys(his name is Kibum by the way). I will certainly try to bring Kibum with me during the Berlin trip of TRM and I hope I made you all guys a little bit enthusiastic about these little globetrotters!

Some more pictures of the World Travelers:

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